The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to install a 64-bit version of the Oracle Fusion Middleware / WebLogic Server 11g on a 64-bit Windows 7 or Windows Server operating system. The aim here is to get this going as quickly as possible to support Oracle Forms and reports 11g R2 development. As such, many of the vast features found in Oracle Fusion Middleware / WebLogic Server 11g are glossed over and not treated with any depth whatsoever.
The latest 11g Release 2 version of Oracle Forms and reports relies on Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g which has the Oracle WebLogic Server. Prior editions of Oracle Developer Suite (such as 9iDS) installed an OC4J instance but the latest Oracle Forms and Reports 11g requires you have the full Oracle Fusion Middleware / WebLogic Server installed first.
WebLogic (formerly a product of BEA Systems before it was purchased by Oracle) is a high-performance Application Server (AS) that support Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) servlets and other applications.
The official Oracle Fusion Middleware installation documentation from Oracle is located here.
There are a few tricky points that require some consideration before you install Oracle Fusion Middleware / WebLogic Server 11g:
  1. The version and bitness of the host operating system. Here I am using Windows 7 64-Bit although instructions for 64-bit Windows Server should be similar
  2. The version and bitness of Java Development Kit (JDK). Here I am using Java 7 64-bit which is the latest as of July 2013.
  3. Version of Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Server. At the time of this writing (July 2013), the 12C edition has been released but the older 11g Forms and Reports Developer will not work with Fusion Middleware 12c.
For this example, I am using Windows 7 64-Bit edition. I will install the latest Java 7 Development Kit using the 64-bit edition. I will then install the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g version 10.3.6.

1. Change the computer name which is short and readable. Don't use underscore or special characters in computer name/host name otherwise it will give an error at creating domain i.e on 0%.
2. Disable firewall.
3. Increase virtual memory to 1024-4000 for desktop and total size of RAM-4*total size of RAM for data center.
4. Set IP 192.168.1.n of computer to fix it for installation OR if you want to use host name instead of IP then off the wifi and remove the IP address of local network.
5. Install the 64-bit Java Developer’s Kit (JDK) for 64-bit Windows. Here is a screen shot of Oracle/Sun Java Downloads page:

Make sure you have no other versions of the JDK or JRE installed. If you do find older versions installed, uninstall them first and reboot your PC before installing the latest JDK.

Downloading Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Server 11g

The next major step is to download the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Server 11g. The 12c version will not work with the 11g release of Oracle Forms and Reports.
The Oracle Downloads page for Oracle Fusion Middleware is here:
Scroll down to the section labeled: Oracle WebLogic Server Previous Releases and look for the section labeledOracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.6) + Coherence – Package Installer.
Click on the plus sign next to the See all Files. The component we will install is listed under the Additional Platforms heading and has the label: Generic: 1 GB File 1
Download the file Oracle_WebLogic_Server_11gR1_10.3.6_Coherence_wls1036_generic.jar linked to “File 1″ and save it to a temporary folder on your local computer.

Running the Oracle Fusion Middleware installer .jar file

First off windows firewall.
Enter LAN IP and change computer name which is readable.
Important: To start the installation of the Oracle Fusion Middleware / WebLogic Server Do not just double-click on the .jar file. You must start the installer in a Windows Command (CMD) window using the following syntax:
java -d64 -jar wls1036_generic.jar
The typical Oracle installer screen will appear as shown below. Click the Next> button to move to the next screen.
For this installation, pick a new Middleware Home Directory. Type in the name of a new folder on your hard disk.IMPORTANT: Do not install any components into a path that includes spaces. For example, DO NOT make your home directory:
C:\Program Files\My Oracle\My Middelware Home\           BAD!!!
Click the Next> button to move to the next screen.
Fill in your Oracle Support e-mail address and password. Unfortunately, there seems to be an installer bug with this step – basically you MUST supply your Oracle support info otherwise you cannot skip to the next step. When finished, click the Next> button to move to the next screen.
At this point you may be prompted for a Proxy Server. Click on the box to skip support messages and click theNext> button to move to the next screen.
The next step is to Choose an Install Type. Click the “Typical” button and click the Next> button to move to the next screen.

Next the installer will prompt for the location of the Java Development Kit (JDK). This should have been installed before starting this installation. Navigate to the home of the JDK (should be the 64-bit edition) by clicking the Browse button. After locating the JDK, click the Next> button to move to the next screen.
The next step is to choose installation directories. When selecting installation directories, it is important that the entire directory path have no spaces in the names. You may use an underscore character to link words together in the path as shown in the example below. When finished, click the Next> button to move to the next screen.
Choose a Shortcut Location for the Windows Start menu. Here we selected “All Users”. Click the Next> button to move to the next screen.
Finally, the Installation Summary will be displayed. Click the Next> button to begin the installation process.
Below is a view of the installer as the WebLogic Server is installed:
Once the installation is completed, deselect check box of “Run Quickstart” and click the Donebutton and restart your computer to ensure the Node Manager services are stop then install forms and reports 11gR2.
#Once the installation is completed, make sure the “Run Quickstart” check box is selected and click the Donebutton

The QuickStart Configuration Screen

The QuickStart menu will appear next. The QuickStart screen is used to configure various components of the WebLogic server. Click the “Getting Started with WebLogic Server 10.3.6″ item to launch the Configuration Wizard.
Select the option to create a new WebLogic domain and click the Next> button to move to the next screen.
Select the option to “Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following products“. Select all three checkboxes and click the Next> button to move to the next screen.
Give a new name and location for the domain. Usually these are located within the install directory under auser_projects folder. Again, as a reminder, do not use spaces in the names of any locations or paths. Click the Next> button to move to the next screen.
Provide a username and a password for the Administrator. Important: If you will be installing Oracle Forms and Reports later on, you MUST use a password that conforms to their restrictions. In other words, Oracle Forms and Reports will use the admin password specified here to create their own Domain. The restrictions the Forms and Reports account uses include:
Valid passwords are 8 to 30 characters long, must begin with an alphabetic 
character, use only alphanumeric, underscore (_), dollar ($) or pound (#) 
characters. It should contain at least one numeric, underscore (_), dollar ($), 
or pound (#) character.
Type in a password in both spaces and click the Next> button to move to the next screen.
The next step is to configure the Server Start Mode and the JDK. This should be set to default to the JDK specified earlier. For this step choose Development Mode and click the Next> button to move to the next screen
No additional configurations are required so leave all of the following checkboxes blank and click the Next>button to move to the next screen
At the configuration summary screen, click on the Click the Create> button to create this new configuration.
Once the Domain has been created, make sure the box “Start Start Admin Server is checked and click theDone button.
At this point the Admin server will launch in a Command windows. You will see the various Java debugging information scrolling along the window as shown below.

Finally, Exit the QuickStart
Try to enable the DomainRuntimeMBean using WLST and the n restart your Server : 
Start>All Programs>Oracle Weblogic>Weblogic Server 11gR1>Tools>Weblogic Scripting Tools

cd ('/JMX/NO_NAME_0')
Note : Line 2 will be same as "cd ('/JMX/NO_NAME_0')"
Sure a few other ideas: Try connecting via the IP address and not the machine name (e.g.

Oracle WebLogic Start Menu Items

The completed Oracle WebLogic Server will have the following start Menu items (under Windows 7):
By default the Admin Server for Weblogic will be started. If you reboot your system you will have to run the “Start Admin Server for Weblogic”. To view the Admin Server Console click on the “Start Server Console” or open a web browser to the following address:
There will be a delay while the Console application is deployed. At this point if the Console appears, you should be able to log in and view all of the different WebLogic parameters and monitoring tools:
Make a note of the Admin Server URL. It should contain the name of your PC along with the port 7001. For example:
If the WebLogic Server is running properly, you can then proceed to the next major step of Installing Oracle Forms and Reports 11g Release 2 linked here.

Additional Configuration Tips

If your Middleware is running on a system that is separate from your Oracle database, you may need to use an Oracle Net name to connect the Middleware to the server. In this case you will need to install the tnsnames.orafile that contains your Oracle net name in the config folder of the middleware instance. For example, if you installed the default instance “asinst_1″ there will be a folder: C:\Oracle\Middleware\asinst_1\config\where you can copy your tnsnames.ora file. Then specify the Oracle net name when making connections to the database.

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