The following are instructions for installing Oracle Forms and Reports 11g Release 2 development environment under Windows 7 64-Bit edition. Oracle Forms and Reports 11g requires the Oracle Fusion Middleware / WebLogic Server to be installed, configured and running. A prior tutorial covered the basic steps for installing can be found here:

Downloading the Oracle Forms and Reports 11g R2 Software

The specific software used in this tutorial is the Windows 64-Bit flavor of Oracle Forms and Reports 11gR2 ( The download site is:


After downloading the ZIP file, uncompress the ZIP file to create three new folders:
Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3 as shown below. The setup.exe file will be found in the Disk1 folder.
1. After installing weblogic, Restart the system (without starting console/admin server for weblogic server).
2. Copy all disks of forms and Reports 11g (disk3,disk4,disk5) in to "ofm_frmrpts_win_11." folder.
3. Open disk1 and right click on setup.exe file > Properties > Compatibility > Run as Administrator.

I think Windows 7 is supported as developer box. That means you can install EM and other system components.
Just select Forms & Reports run time and builder and your configuration should go through fine. 
Actually, Forms 11g is the only version of Forms/Reports builders that are certified for Windows 7. The key is to open the properties of the SETUP.exe and check the "Run this program in Compatibility Mode for Windows XP SP2" and change the Virtual Memory (VM) settings to manual and specify a VM setting of at least 1024 mb. The Oracle Installer can't detect the VM settings when Windows automatically manages the VM settings. After you have successfully installed and configured WLS and Forms/Reports, you can change the VM setting back to Windows managed.

Running the Installer for Oracle Forms and Reports 11g Release 2

Navigate to the Disk1 folder and double-click on the setup.exe program.
The installer will launch as shown below. If this is the first Oracle product to be installed, you will be prompted to set up a local Installer Repository. Accept the defaults as provided and click the Next> button to move to the next step.
The next screen is used to set up the Software Updates. If you have an Oracle Support login, provide that information and then click on the Search For Updates.. button. Otherwise select Skip Software Update and Click the Next> button to move to the next step.
For the Installation Type, click on the option to Install and Configure. Then click the Next> button to move to the next step.
Prerequisite Checks are done next. For the most part this just checks to make sure the appropriate operating system matches the installation type (64-bit Windows in this case). Click the Next> button to move to the next step.
if checking operating system certification fail then press "Continue" button.

The installation location needs to match the directory used for the Oracle Fusion Middleware (Weblogic Server) home. That location should be available on the list box for Oracle Middleware Home Location. The Oracle Home Directory is the name given to the new install of Forms and Reports. The rest of the parameters should be filled in automatically based on the Oracle Middleware Home Location. Click the Next> button to move to the next step.
Select the Configuration Type: Select the configure for Deployment and click the Next> button to move to the next step.
Select the Configuration Type. In this case we are selecting for Forms and Reports Development. Select theConfigure for Development selection and click the Next> button to move to the next step.
The next step is to select the Domain. Give the username and password for the Weblogic server set during the install of Oracle Fusion Middleware / Weblogic Server. Use the suggested “ClassicDomain” for the new Domain Name. The Domain Location should be a path WITH NO Spaces in the entire path. Typically this will be located under the same user_projects folder as the base_domain set up by the Oracle Fusion Middleware / Weblogic Server. Click the Next> button to move to the next step.
For the Security Updates screen, supply the Oracle Support account name and password, then click the Next>button to move to the next step.
On the Configure Environment screen, select all of the Builder and the Server components for both Forms and Reports. Click the Next> button to move to the next step.
For the Port Configuration screen, select the Auto port Configuration option and click the Next> button to move to the next step. The Auto port configuration will use free ports starting with port 7002, 7003 etc.
For most installations a Proxy should not be required. If your installation requires a proxy server, provide that information in the fields provided and click the Next> button to move to the next step.
The Installation Summary is provided next. At this point the install can begin copying files so click the Installbutton to get started.
Check on the progress. If there are any errors they will be printed in the log file indicated below the Progress bar.
The Configuration process will start immediately after the software is installed. In the example below the first step of Creating the domain failed so the configuration stops at this point (this is just an example of one thing that might go wrong at this point).
Re: Forms & Reports 11gR2 installation - Can't create domain

I do a new install, with more RAM and a static IP (others points were allready ok), but same result...

Finaly, I found the problem. First time, I do a default install of JDK (c:\Program Files\Java\...). I retry on a fresh machine, but I install java in a directory with a shorter name (c:\java\...). And this time, I can do the installation completly !!!!
When creating the Domain, make sure Node Manager (part of Oracle Fusion Middleware) is not running. The Application Configuration wizard will launch it at the appropriate time. If the Creating Domain step failed (as shown above) stop the Node Manager and retry the step by clicking on the click the Retry button.
In the example below, the Node Manager was not running and so the domain was created and the rest of the configuration steps proceeded normally.

If on 88%  Restarting Managed Server: WLS_FORMS or WLS_REPORTS then check the box on top and press Retry Button It will clear the error.
Finally, the installation and configuration steps are all completed. Make a note of the configuration options listed (such as ClassicDomain Port Number is 7003 ). Click on the click the Finish button to exit the installer.

Oracle Classic Instance Start Menu Items

A number of shortcuts will be created on the Windows Start Menu.
To run the Oracle Forms Builder, navigate to:
Start -> Oracle Classic Instance – asinst_1 -> Developer Tools -> Forms Builder
To run the Oracle Reports Builder, navigate to:
Start -> Oracle Classic Instance – asinst_1 -> Developer Tools -> Start Reports Builder
To run a complied form, first start the Weblogic Admin Server for the Forms and Reports:
Start -> Oracle Classic Instance – asinst_1 -> Start Weblogic Admin Server
If the Weblogic Admin Server gives errors such as unable to bind to an address, you may need to stop the Admin server that was running after installing the Fusion Middleware / Weblogic Server’s base_domain.

Post Installation

1. copy tnsnames.ora file to C:\Oracle\Middleware10_3\asinst_1\config and change as per database connection.

2. location of formsweb.cfg is C:\Oracle\Middleware10_3\user_projects\domains\ClassicDomain\config\fmwconfig\servers\AdminServer\applications\formsapp_11.1.2\config

i) FireFox, IE crash with Forms 10g, Replace Jinitiator with JRE

# System parameter: default base HTML file


# System parameter: base HTML file for use with JInitiator client


# System parameter: base HTML file for use with Sun’s Java Plug-In


Simply copy formsweb.cfg to above location

Developing with Oracle Forms and Reports 11g Release 2

To get started developing with Oracle Forms and Reports 11g, please visit
my Oracle 9i / 10g / 11g Developer Suite Forms and Reports Tutorial

Install JRE 7u79 32 bit on verifying only it update 32 bit with latest JRE on website.
Auto Login WLS11g

open Notepade++ write the following lines


directly save file on the following locations with the name "" means with the extension "properties".
Note: Do not save other location then copy on following locations. It will not automatically start the service rather require username and password. 

Add the following line in cgicmd.dat file at the end (search cgicmd.dat file)

cnx: userid=username/password@db %*
To find out report server name locate the file and open it 



Report Patch

F:\Weblogic11g_Final\11g Report Builder Copy Paste Patch\11g Report Builder Copy Paste Patch\17301874\files\bin
Copy vgs.dll and past it into C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\BIN

'Opatch’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

set ORACLE_HOME=C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1
and then execute the below javascripts

stop OPMN services all
make sure all the oracle services in services.msc are stopped and turn 
their status to manual. 
1. OracleProcessManager_asinst_3 --------Stop
2. OracleMTSRecoveryService --------stop
3. OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener -------stop
4. OracleServiceORCL --------stop
C:\ cd c:\17301874
C:\17301874>OPatch apply


Although Reports Builder 11gR2 is supported on 64-bit Windows machines, there is a bug within Reports Builder 11gR2 64-bit where if you try to access “Data Models” for any report in Reports Builder, Reports Builder will crash (Windows error that generates is: “Report Builder has stopped working. Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.”). To work around this, you will need to do the following:

1. Go to C:\Oracle\Middleware\asinst_1\config\FRComponent\frcommon\tools\admin
   (%DOMAIN_HOME%\config\fmwconfig\components\ReportsToolsComponent\reptools1\tools\admin in 12c)
2. Make a backup of cauprefs.ora
3. Edit cauprefs.ora in a text editor
4. Find the following lines:
Reports.PluggableDataSourceFactories =
5. Replace the value to: Reports.PluggableDataSourceFactories = ()
6. Save the file and try running Reports Builder again.

Solved Urdu Problem

1-db install with character set of AR8MSWIN1256

2- stop db servic

3- win reg: regedit: HKLM > software > oracle > db_key_link > NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8





initial keyboard state = local
reading order = right to left
keyboard state = local only

Setting up LookAndFeel in formsweb.cfg file

Also change the registry file as:
open the file named Registry.
locate at the end


#    The background color is specified as an RGB triple.

and change as


#    The background color is specified as an RGB triple.


save it and restart the computer.

User Login - add in formsweb.cfg file


REP-52266: The in-process Reports Server rep_myhostname failed to start OR REP-52262

The problem was finally resolved when I increased the "callbackTimeout" parameter in the rep_myhostname.conf file from "6000" (1 minute) to "60000" (10 minute) as I guess my machine does not have sufficient memory and cpu systems requirements. I discovered the fixes from the following metalink - Again thank you everyone for your time, support and contribution.

Search rwnetwork.conf file in C:\ drive
replace <multicast channel="" port="14021" timeout="1000"/>  with timeout="6000" in all files which computer search.

a solution of Rep-51002: Bind to Reports Server "hostname" failed
After searching 2 days about a solution of error "Rep-51002: Bind to Reports Server hostname failed" for Reports 10g

Finally I found it

1- Edit rwnetowrk.conf in C:\DevSuiteHome_1\reports\conf
2- modify timeout value from 1000 to 6000
3- Restart OC4J

First report after restarting Weblogic Server - WLS_REPORTS will take a while but the rest will be faster.

By Oracle
Problem 3

The in-process Reports Server fails to start and the browser displays the following message while trying to run a report with the in-process Reports Server:

REP-52266: The in-process Reports Server failed to start.

When the standalone server is started, it shuts down immediately.

Solution 3

Enable tracing (see Section 23.3.7, "Tracing Report Execution") and start the in-process Reports Server. The default Reports Server rwserver_diagnostic.log file should capture the actual cause of the problem:

    Reports Server has failed to initialize one of the pluggable data sources or destinations. Correct the configuration for the pluggable data source (PDS) or destination and restart Reports Server. For general information about PDSs, see the Pluggable Data Sources section of the Oracle Reports online Help. For information about the Pluggable Data Sources, see Chapter 13, "Configuring and Using the Pluggable Data sources".

    The engine has failed to start. Check the rwEng_{engNo}_diagnostic.log file in the $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/WLS_REPORTS/logs/reports directory. This file must contain the following lines:

    Debug 50103 (EngineImpl:EngineImpl): CInitEngine returns 0
    Info 55003 (RWEngine:init): Register this engine to Oracle Reports Server server_name

    If the rwEng_{engNo}_diagnostic.log file does not contain these lines, it means that the engine has failed to start.

    If the CinitEngine return value in the file is negative, then it represents an error in initializing the Reports Engine.If the CinitEngine return value is not equal to zero, check the System environment variable PATH if you are using Windows and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in file which is located in DOMAIN_HOME/bin if you are using Solaris. For the in-process Reports Server, the values of PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are taken from the System environment variable PATH for windows and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in file which is located in DOMAIN_HOME/bin for Solaris.

Run the file setdomainenv.bat file which is located in DOMAIN_HOME/bin

Go to Environment Variable
double click on PATH
Make the first path of C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\bin

5.6 Starting and Stopping the In-process Reports Server Using Oracle Reports Servlet

If you are using Reports Server as an in-process Reports Server (the default configuration), sending a run report request starts the in-process Reports Server. However, if you are sending a request through a command line, Oracle Reports Servlet (rwservlet) must be started first using either the run report URL or the Web command URL. When you have successfully started rwservlet, you have successfully started the in-process Reports Server.

You can also start an In-process Reports server through Enterprise Manager:

    Navigate to the Reports application page in Oracle Enterprise Manager

    From the Reports menu, select Monitoring > Start Reports Application.

    The Reports application is started.

    From the Reports menu, select Administration > Start In-process Reports Server.

    The In-process Reports server is started.

To directly start or stop the in-process Reports Server using a URL, enter the following in your Web browser:


After 3 days hactic struggle, Finaly RESOLVED


Address:  C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\ClassicDomain\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_REPORTS\applications\reports_11.1.2\configuration

REP-52262: Diagnostic output is disabled.

Reports turns off the diagnostics output by default. If you need to turn it on, do the following.

Edit the "$DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/servers/WLS_REPORTS/applications/reports_11.1.2/configuration/" file as follows.

# From

# To


also cut <webcommandaccess>L2</webcommandaccess> row and past after <inprocess>yes</inprocess>.


If 64 Bit 11g report builder won’t start, gives error "REP-50125: rwbuilder.conf:java.lang.NullPointerException", or won’t open this may help.You may need to update your config file.
Search for your cauprefs.ora file e.g. C:\Oracle\Middleware\asinst_1\config\FRComponent\frcommon\tools\admin\cauprefs.ora

    Backup: cauprefs.ora
    Edit: cauprefs.ora you may need to update two entries e.g.

Reports.root_x = "-32000"
Reports.root_y = "-32000"


Reports.root_x = 00
Reports.root_y = 00

      Another common issue where reports builder starts okay but  won’t let you edit or run a report without crashing straight away then try this.

ALERT : 64-Bit Reports Builder 11gR2 (11.1.2) Problems on 64-bit Windows Operating Systems (Doc ID 1395965.1)

    Search for and Edit: cauprefs.ora

    Replace the following:
    Reports.PluggableDataSourceFactories =

    With the following:
    Reports.PluggableDataSourceFactories = ()


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  2. Hello, I have a question, why are you using Java 32 bits
    instead of 64 bits?
